Lord Of The Lost
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Sooner or Later

Lord Of The Lost

Fears 2020

Sooner or later I'll be a traitor
Sooner or later I will betray
But even a traitor sooner or later
Is learning that love is finding a way

Sooner or later I'll be a hater
Sooner or later I'm killing again
But all of my failures sooner or later
Will be the remorse of a dying man

The core is cracking in two
Two halves, one for me, one for you
But even with a broken heart
I still believe in love

The thorn is braced in the deep
The anguish is making me creep
But even with an open scar
I still believe in love

Sooner or later I will be greater
Than all of the fears in our cold broken hearts
I heal the hater and sooner or later
I'm closing the scars
And I believe in

Compositor: Chris Harms

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