Lord Of The Lost
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Work of Salvation

Lord Of The Lost


Which no eye of an angel's ever seen
Where's no curse of any demon's been

And it was
Bleak darkness
And it was night

He was our light
He shone so bright
He shone so bright

No thought of the heart ever comprehends
No feel of the spirit understands

And it was
Bleak darkness
And it was night

He was our light
He shone so bright
He shone so bright

He was our guide
Throughout the night
Throughout the night
We have seen it in visions and in dreams
What no eye of any angel's seen

He was our light
Hе shone so bright
He shone so bright

Hе was our guide
Throughout the night
Throughout the night

Compositores: Class Grenayde, Chris Harms & Corvin Bahn

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